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Become a Pilot

Bluffton Flying Service offers flight training programs for the following certificates and ratings:

Private Pilot
Instrument Pilot
Commercial Pilot
Learn to Fly, Flight School, Pilot Lesson
Private Pilot Requirements:
  • Be at least 16 years of age

  • Be able to read, speak, and understand the English language

  • Obtain at least a current third-class medical certificate

  • Receive a minimum of 40 hours of flight time including training and          solo flight

  • Pass a knowledge test as well as the practical test

Learning to fly and getting a pilot certificate is a lot of fun. Like obtaining a drivers license, you will need to obtain instruction, pass a written test, and then pass a final flight check. 


To begin flight training, a Student Pilot Certificate and at least a 3rd Class FAA Medical (Obtained by a FAA Designated Medical Examiner). When you have received sufficient training to qualify for solo in the training aircraft, you flight instructor will endorse you Logbook. When you are ready to fly cross country by yourself your Logbook will again be endorsed for this privilege. 


A Private Pilot Certificate is the equivalent of your drivers license. You will be able to carry passengers, although not for compensation or hire. You will need to have at least 40 hours of flying and must include:

  • 20 Hours of dual instruction composed of at least:   

    • 3hrs cross country

    • 3hrs preparation for your flight check

    • 3hrs night flying

    • 10 night airport takeoffs and landings 

  • 10 Hours Solo Flight ​

    • 5hrs cross country (must have a destination at least 50NM from your home base and one flight must be a minimum of 150NM long and include landings at a minimum of 3 airports. You will also need to make 3 take offs and landings (full stop) with an operating control tower. ​


There is no specific amount of dual required for solo flight. Very few people solo prior to 8 hours of instruction. Most complete their first solo by 16 hours. Our one on one flight training allows us to tailor your instruction to fit you, which includes taking time during each lesson to review previous lesson. 


You will need to pass a written examination before you take the flight check for your Private Pilot Certificate. This is not a difficult examination and the government does publish a book containing all the questions you could possibly be asked. Our instruction pairs one on one flight instruction, ground instruction and online training through Sporty's private pilot written exam prep. 

Contact Us


Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday  9am-5pm

Saturday  9am-12pm

Sundays  Closed


Our FBO is located at

1080 Navajo Drive, Bluffton, OHIO 45817


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